Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hi fellow Class 60-ers,

You should've received an e-mail regarding what to post and all. I know we all have busy lives, but if everyone makes an attempt to update once in awhile, it can work. 

Remember to update each other on...

1. Jobs- where you're working, where you have an interview at, gigs, etc.
2. Projects- job or personal, music, post production etc.
3. Location? Moving? Staying?
4. Events? Shows?
5. Cool audio sites, blogs, forums, articles, etc.
6. Audio related stuff you learned/discovered
7. Possible job hook ups
8. Your overall life,well being, etc.

Maybe post once or twice max a week to minimize possible clutter.

Who's going to step up and be the first to post? :) Go Team!


sbezee said...

1. Swank Audio Visuals
2. A/V Technician
3. (510) for now, eventually want to move
4. Since Pasand Lounge, nothing
6. We paid too much for our education to push brooms
7. Sure, if u want to do AV
8. Coo, still kikn' it! Going to St. Louis, MO for training. - SBE

Tiff said...

Good luck with the training, Shaun. I'm waiting for you to make the move! Hey, the broom and I are best friends right now. heh heh.

Henry said...

Hey what's up everyone! Thanks Tiff for starting this, I'm hoping we all use it to keep in touch and maybe help each other get a job or 2 ;).

What's been up with me since graduation?

1. I took about a month off from school to relax a bit and get my head straight for what was to come next. Let's see... a lot of sleeping, watching movies and did I mention sleeping? Feeling much better now!

2. My son started kindergarden in August. He's enjoying it, doing well in school and making friends. Saturdays are becoming "play date" time with classmates (how many b-days do these kids have?)

3. I been djing a lot since graduation and been lucky enough to get a few shows in LA and around the bay area. Any of you folks that want to come by, you're on the permanent guest list! I've also been working on some remixes. I'm looking to do more traveling in the fall.

4. Been looking hard for work over the past few months and it's not easy. I've done a few indie projects for the resume and also some paid ad projects for radio. Also some FOH for a local artist FEMI. She plays a bunch of shows around the Bay Area and we're starting to build a vibe. (Hopefully it works out) Other than that, just the usually job hunting.

5. I'm just tying to stay focused and positive until things get more in motion.

There I did it... my first blog post!


Henry (HENROC)